
Me giving my first conference talk in 2016

Invited Talks


Fall 2024 Semester Lecture. Speculative Fiction and Antiquity Group. Online.

aemula Phoebes: Rape Victims and the Augustan Marriage Laws in Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” University of Oregon.


Panelist. “Neurodiverse Pedagogies.” CANE Annual Meeting. Needham, MA.

Panelist. Association of Ancient Historians panel on disability. Virtual.


“Disability in the Ancient World” panelist. Women’s Classical Caucus Reading Group. Virtual.


“Teaching Sensitive topics in the Classics Classroom.” Louisiana Classical Association Annual Meeting. Virtual.

Keynote Panelist, “Making Our Voices Heard—Fighting for Change in Classics.” Our Voices: A Conference for Inclusive Classics. Columbia University, New York.

“Mithra-ndir: Gandalf and the Roman Cult of Mithras.” King Edward’s School, Birmingham, UK.

Conference Presentations


Ira pharetrae fertur satiata Dianae: Identifying with the Victim via Interjection in Ovid’s Metamorphoses” SCS Annual Meeting  Organized Panel “Epic Interjections.” Philadelphia, PA.

Co-Chair. “The Heroides and their Tradition.” International Ovidian Society sponsored panel. With Daniel Libatique. SCS Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.


“‘Fanfiction’ and the Canon in Elodie Harper’s The Wolf Den Trilogy.” Fanfiction and the Ancient World Conference. Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. Hybrid.

Ira pharetrae fertur satiata Dianae: Identifying with the Victim in Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” CANE Annual Meeting.

“Ghosts of Dido and Diana in Taylor Swift’s ‘The Archer.’” Swiftposium, University of Adelaide.

Ad Astra Per Aspera: Starfleet, Imperialism, and the Ghost of Rome in Paramount+ Star Trek series” Classical Association Annual Meeting. University of Warwick. Hybrid.

“Re-Centering Augustan Diana in Grattius’ Cynegetica.” SCS Annual Meeting. Chicago.

Co-Chair. “Gender, Queerness, and Disability in the Ancient World.” WCC sponsored panel. With Debby Sneed and Sydney Herz. SCS  Annual Meeting. Chicago.


Ad Astra Per Aspera: Starfleet, Imperialism, and the Ghost of Rome in Paramount+ Star Trek series”. AIMS Annual Meeting. Virtual.


“Echoes of Ovid’s Diana/Actaeon Myth in Rape Revenge Narratives.” AIMS Annual Meeting. Virtual.

Ipsa sua Dido concidit usa manu: Vergil, Ovid, and Dido’s Agency in Three Modern Retellings.” Vergilian Society Symposium Cumanum, Cuma, Italy.

“Gender Nonconformity and ‘Trans’ Narrative in Vergil’s Aeneid.” Feminism and Classics, Wake Forest University. Virtual.

ritu succincta Dianae: Rape Victims and Augustan Marriage Laws in Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” CANE Annual Conference. Virtual.

“Greco-Roman Concepts of Fate in the Songs of Taylor Swift.” CAMWS Annual Meeting. Wake Forest University. Hybrid.

“Political Diana in Vergil’s Aeneid.” Vergilian Society Panel ‘Vergil and Authoritarianism.’ SCS Annual Meeting. Virtual.


“Techno-Labyrinths and Female Empowerment in Two Labyrinth Receptions.” AIMS Annual Meeting. Virtual.

“Bringing the Canon to the Periphery: Using Fan Fiction to Teach Latin.” AMPRAW Annual Meeting. Columbia University. Hybrid.

Quis enim laesos impune putaret esse deos?: Ents, Sacred Groves and the Cost of Desecration.” Oxonmoot. Oxford University. Hybrid.

Panelist, “Tolkien in Translation.” Oxonmoot. Oxford University. Hybrid.

Presider, “Rethinking Student Engagement and Assessment in the COVID Classroom.” CAMWS Annual Meeting. Virtual.

“Re-Presenting Woman: Pandora in Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” SCS Annual Meeting. Virtual.

“More than Brains in Jars: A Graduate Perspective on the Future of Classics Graduate Studies.” ‘COVID-19 and the Future of Classics Graduate Study’ workshop. SCS Annual Meeting. Virtual.


“Mithra-ndir: Gandalf and the Roman Cult of Mithras.” AIMS Annual Meeting. Virtual. 2020

“Pandora 2.0 in Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” Greek Epic and Artificial Intelligence International Zoom Conference. University of Oslo.

“From Octavian to Augustus: Numismatics and Augustan Propaganda.” ‘Numismatics and Narratives: How a Classicist Can Read Coins’ organized panel. CAMWS Annual Meeting. Virtual.

Moderator, ‘Graduate Student Issues’ Round Table. CAMWS Annual Meeting. Virtual.

“Hestia: Graduate Self-Taught Pedagogy” with Victoria Burmeister. Res Difficiles Annual Conference. Virtual.

Moderator, “Hestia BU Graduate Pedagogy” roundtable. SCS Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.


“Fixed Points in Time: Doctor Who, the TARDIS, and Roman History.” Film and History Annual Conference. University of Wisconsin—Madison.

“Re-Creating the Female Other: Pygmalion and Pandora in Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” Classical Studies Graduate Student Conference. Boston University.

“Pygmalion and Pandora in Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” CANE Annual Conference. College of the Holy Cross.

Deus nobis haec otia fecit: Illusions of Otium at the End of the Republic.” SCS Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.


divus dum vivus: Augustus’ Divinity as Seen Through His Coinage.” CAAS Annual Meeting. New York, NY.


“Tony Stark, or the Post-Modern Prometheus.” Film and History Annual Conference. University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee.

“Rape, Apotheosis, and Politics in Metamorphoses 14 and 15.” CAAS Annual Meeting. New Brunswick, NJ.


“The Moral Politics of Ovid’s Vergilian Counter-Narrative.” Honors Northwest Research Symposium. Seattle University.

Conferences Organized


‘Agency through the Ancients.’ Classical Studies Graduate Student Conference, Boston University.


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