About Me
Salvete and Welcome!
Me! |
Alicia Matz is Colorado born and bred, and crossed the country twice in her academic career so far. She earned her BA in Classical Languages at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA in 2015. She then moved cross country to Rutgers University, New Brunswick, where she started her PhD but left in 2017 with a Masters in order to follow her advisor to Boston University, where she earned her PhD in 2024. Her dissertation examined the goddess Diana in Augustan poetry and material culture. While at Boston University, she also earned certificates in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Teaching Writing. Her research interests include interactions between poetry and material culture from the age of Augustus, gender and sexuality in the ancient world, Pompeii, and classical reception, especially in sci-fi and fantasy. She has published on rape in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Roman religious thinking and its influence on Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, and Pandora as an artificial intelligence hidden in Ovid’s Pygmalion myth. She is also the Co-Chair of CripAntiquity, an international advocacy organization for disabled enthusiasts of the ancient world. In her free time, she enjoys knitting, reading, and binge watching television. Follow me on Twitter at @duxfeminafacti9.
Current Outreach
co-author of "Making Graduate Programs More Accessible"
Content Creator, @IodulaDicit
Honors and Awards
Professional Awards and Honors
Clarimond Mansfield Award for research excellence, Boston University, 2023
Angela J. and James J. Rallis Memorial Award for research excellence, Boston University, 2023
Excellence in Classics Teaching, Boston University, 2021
David A. Lupher Philology Award, University of Puget Sound, 2015
Fellowships and Scholarships
GSO Conference Travel Award, Boston University, 2022
Scully Summer Travel Fellowship, Boston University, 2022, 2019
Hellenic Fund Summer Research Fellowship, Boston University, 2018
Special Study Award, Rutgers University—New Brunswick, 2016
Cook Travel Scholarship, Rutgers University—New Brunswick, 2016